[Guides] Creating a sale

Preparing your wallets

  • NFT: Make sure that you have a supported wallet for the chain that your NFT is hosted on.

  • Token: Make sure that you have a supported wallet for the chain that you intend to receive the payment.

For the Testnet version, the supported wallets are:


The following guides show the process of creating a sale on AxelarSea Testnet version with the following parameters.

  • Chains on which NFT is hosted: Avalanche Testnet

  • Chains in which payment is received: Avalanche Testnet

  • Quoted price token: aUST

  • Asking price: 99 aUST

Step 1: Connect and fund your wallet

The chains on which NFT is hosted and chains in which payment is received are Avalanche Testnet which is supported by MetaMask wallet.

  • If you need help configuring the MetaMask wallet for Testnet or requiring assistance on funding your wallet, please refer to the following link.

Step 2: Mint your NFT

  • Click on the "Create" in the tab at the top of the page.

  • Scroll down. Select the chain "Avalanche". The page will show the image of the NFT prepared by the AxelarSea's team. Click "Create".

  • Confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

Step 3: Check your NFT

  • Click on the "Profile" in the tab at the top of the page.

  • Make sure that the NFT you just minted is displayed in your profile correctly.

Step 4: Place a sale

  • Click on an NFT that you wish ot sell and click "Sell" button.

  • Set the asking price. There are options to set the price in either aUST and aLUNA. Select the option of aLUNA and set the price to be 3 aLUNA. [Feel free to try with any price you wish; however, due to the current smart contract specification, the price has to be greater than either 10 aUST or 0.1 aLUNA]

  • Click the button "Complete listing"

  • Confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

  • Check if your NFT is indeed been placed on sale with your indicated price, by looking for it in the “Explore” tab or in your “Profile” In addition, on your “Profile” page, you are able to cancel the listing as well.

Congratulations! You have just listed your first NFT for sale on AxelarSea. Feel free to try listing more NFT on other supported chains, such as Ethereum Testnet, and Fantom Testnet. Don't forget to change the chain of your MetaMask accordingly.

Last updated